The Wily Network 2019 Annual Appeal
The theme for the 2019-2020 Annual Appeal and collateral is based on the definition of wily and what it means to be wily. The "We are wily." type solution was used throughout events and social media. The 6-panel, 6.25 x 4.5" appeal package includes a custom outer envelope with reply card and custom envelope. This appeal launched a full year of the campaign which included events like the annual meeting, annual speaker series, holiday events, and social media.
Save the date tag, embossed notebook and reusable bag (left) and social media invitation to the annual speaker series.
The Wily Network 2018 Annual Appeal
The theme for the 2018-2019 Annual Appeal and collateral is Wily Connects. The Connects logo was used throughout events and social media. The 5.75 x 9" appeal package includes a custom outer envelope with reply card and custom envelope.
The Wily Network 2017 Annual Appeal
Annual appeal brochure mailed to 1,000 prospective donors. The "Imagine" theme was carried through on bookmarks, posters, and the annual report.
Integrated Revenue Integrity
Introductory direct mail brochure included in a #10 envelope with a letter to introduce the company and to direct potential clients to the website.
US Family Health Plan
Monthly Q&A session self-mailers with variables to four regions. Photography art direction.
Nuance Communications
As the freelance art director and designer, I contracted a copy writer and illustrator and produced and designed a letter, ad, poster, and outer envelope.